Rudy’s Tortillas 65th anniversary logo
Rudy’s Tortillas has been in business since 1945 and wanted to celebrate their 65th anniversary all year long. One way we helped them achieve this was to redesign their existing business cards (which we had already designed) and add a special 65th anniversary logo.
We chose to keep the 65th logo colors consistent with the colors we had established for Rudy’s cards. It’s usually frowned upon to use so many different fonts in one project, but if you’re a typographic ninja you can make it work! We were careful to use three families that are very different from each other, and we used one of them very sparingly. We used Trajan for the “65” (that’s all, folks), then used Shelley Script for the “th” and “Anniversary” while using Rudy’s existing face Avenir for the rest.
Next, the addition of a simple arc of stars suggests movement and celebration. The colors, fonts and shapes balance each other well and are grounded by a simple decorative baseline.